It’s still summer… I think. They haven’t mentioned Autumn yet but we know they will. Tiptoeing around feeling as if summer won’t stop if we don’t tread too hard on the sun baked sidewalks. Today we are like kids at the fair, stuffing too much caramel popcorn into our mouths and denying that it will make us feel sick. Bring on the glorious sunshine, let it stream into our yards as we all greet each other with smiles, and ask. Summer won’t end, will it?

Basking in the light, glorying in the warmth, soaking up the heat. Telling each other, never let this end… please.

But these days of golden sunshine and peach colored sunsets that slowly glide through the evergreens to fall into the dark mountainside, will end with a thump as they hit the earth.

Ahead the cold winter looms like a bad nightmare, foggy, and elusive in the daylight. We know that we dreamt it, but we can’t remember clearly how bad it was. Or if it was at all, not with these days of peaches, and caramel popcorn. We have strayed to long at the fair, and all good things must end, peaches will be over, winter will come, and the days have already started to shorten.

When it arrives we will dream again of spring, of snowdrops, and of summer. Eating caramel popcorn and peaches… Look for a special post tomorrow as I link up with Far Side of Fifty for a contest called Snow Daze.