He had been washing dishes, there was a crash, a tinkle of broken china in the sink, when he appeared in the doorway of the room holding what was left of his favourite coffee mug. The handle separated from the cup, we couldn’t repair it… it was also the last of the set.
This wasn’t a good thing, lately the shelf life on our mugs has been limited to those few we could fit into the cupboard, and the cupboard was starting to look bare.

So we started the mugging, and I knew that it would be a long process. Almost as long as it took to find the perfect easy chair for the living room. Two people with two totally different needs, wants, and styles try to go shopping for coffee mugs… you can stop laughing now.
Of course we don’t see eye to eye, or mug to mug.
I like pretty, nice shaped, and attractive… he likes something that he can put his man hand around without fear of breaking it. And it had better be durable too, because he loads the dishwasher… those babies take a beating.
I live by the quote “have nothing in your house that you do not find beautiful” so I paraphrased it, too bad.
He lives by, it’s a mug, it’s functional, and if it doesn’t leak, then it’s perfect.

Three stores later… we are the new owners of two boring white, functional, and very durable mugs… now only a few more stores to check.
What do you mean no more stores?
This is how women shop.
“These are backup mugs, these are not “the” mugs, they are only to replace the broken ones temporarily in case we can’t find the perfect ones today.”

“How about these? What do you mean you don’t like polka dots, I love polka dots… no they are not too floofy.”
Polka dots remind you of the circus, and clowns… [we both have a very leery, hands off dislike of clowns]
Right, these won’t do, good point.
Now we are the owners of two boring, white, functional, and very durable mugs…
Can’t wait for those babies to break.

Be sure to check this out! Cindy from Rosehaven Cottage has opened her new Etsy store called, Rosehaven Cottage downloads . She has a wonderful collection of vintage images, and stunning textures to choose from, all at very reasonable prices. Rosehaven Cottage is a creative inspiration and digital fine art photography studio founded by Cindy Garber Iverson in 2007. Cindy is a self-described techie geek, photographer, designer, and collector of vintage paper ephemera. Through her work, she has perfected the art of digitally restoring and enhancing images found in antique publications and on vintage paper ephemera. Using the Adobe Creative Suite, a hi-res scanner specifically designed for scanning art, and a Wacom Cintiq digital tablet, Cindy makes images come back to life--even though many of the rescued images are well over 50 years old and weren't originally intended to have survived this long. She transforms what would be lost to the decay of time into usable digital files for designers, photographers, digital artists, crafters, collage artists and scrapbookers to use in creating their own work. Cindy says,"And I hope I'm preserving bits of history in the process. I like think of myself as a preservationist as well as a restorer with a 21st century twist, preserving the past and making it relevant to today's modern technology."