There are people who start new jobs all the time, work for a few days decide they don’t like it, and quit. That’s just not us, we are dedicated workers, loyal, and dependable. We keep our jobs for years, and move on with lot’s of advance notice. This is so not me, but I had no choice. A local fruit stand was advertising for a part time cashier, and I decided to go and speak to the owner. A tour bus of Asian tourists had just arrived, and it was very busy, and I didn’t spend much time inside because of all the people purchasing fruit. A big mistake.

Yesterday was my first day of work… and my last. I have never quit a job before working for at least a year, but I just couldn’t take the heat this time. It was hot and noisy from all the coolers running full time, and did I mention hot? Unbearably hot, and there I was working outside, under the roofline sorting cherries. The heat just pounded in, I had originally thought that I would be able to just grin and bear it, but there is no way I can work in this heat, I need to find employment in a air conditioned building.

They were so very nice to work with, it’s just the oppressive heat makes it almost impossible to work. There is no relief from it… it’s just hot and noisy everywhere. I was embarrassed, hot, and dehydrated. The worst was the feeling that I let them down, they knew my BIL, and although I am a extremely capable worker, I was hired on the basis of their friendship. I cried all the way home, and it still hurts me to have to quit. This was so not what I thought it would be…