My Way of Living + Things


Something odd woke me up early this Sunday morning.
It was a complete lack of any sounds, total quiet. That may be the norm if you live in the country, or so we city dwellers are assuming, although its never been that quiet when I've stayed there. Between the rustling of the sheep, and the donkey braying, coyotes howling, and the dogs barking. Well who can sleep? But it was perfectly quiet outside, and inside our building. It doesn't happen very often, and is so unusual that I had to wake up my assistant gardener and tell him"listen, what do you hear?" Normally when I do that, it is to hear thieves breaking into vehicles downstairs. But this time it was so he could hear for himself that there were, NO CROWS CAWING!!! No seagulls crying, no car doors slamming repeatedly, no engines revving, no bootsie scratching at my window. NO CROWS CAWING!. Seems the babies have left the nest! Finally, and we are so glad. They were keeping the entire neighbourhood on edge, waking everyone up so early. But they did a pretty good job of Block Watch. No one could move on this street without them alerting everyone to it. But I will gladly give up that type of protection for the lack of noise. I am on my way to water my little garden plot. And enjoy the PEAS and quiet.

Nature, Performance, and more: