My Way of Living + Time

Well, it looked like a horse to me
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I make mental notes of places to take photos of old and interesting places, that’s what I do when I drive around the country side. And I was pretty sure I had seen a gorgeous horse, and a dry stack wall in a pasture on the way up.

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An example of this was when my niece and I were driving back down the mountainside road after climbing Rose Swanson mountain, me lightheaded, tired, and dehydrated. But determined to find those old buildings I had seen on the way up, and get a photo of them. Her, rather embarrassed that her Aunt would stop the vehicle repeatedly and take photos from the truck window.

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“Ummmm do you always take pictures of peoples houses” she asked? “Only when there is something interesting in the yard” was my reply. And besides, no one came running out the door screaming this time.

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“Oh look at the gorgeous horse… I exclaimed, seeing only parts of it, and thinking it might distract her. Her dead pan reply, “Aunty Jane, it’s a mule.” All the wisdom a 22 year old can garner into one sweet sentence.

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And… I’ve been known to mistake a galloping cow for a rather large dog, it’s a family story that they still tell, it was far away, and my eyesight isn’t the best. And you know those illustrations of the cow jumping over the moon, they really do jump like that. Hey, I’m from the city, and it looked like a horse to me, but at least I didn’t try and call it a cow. Just call me a city girl… And for those of us who are not from the country, here is the answer so many have asked about the difference between a horse and a mule. Sorry, should have thought about putting that in first. Isn’t life complex?

Day, family, road, RUN, running, and more:

Well, it looked like a horse to me + Time