We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder It’s a busy life we all lead, rushing about, creating, working, living our lives… do you wonder if we spend enough time being conscious of our treasures?

There is treasure in a seed breaking the soil, reaching for the sun, and beauty lays in the ways sunlight catches in a drop of rain on a leaf. The song of the small bird perched in the tree, and the way the crow caws to it’s young, these are as much treasures as all the gold in the world.

Take a moment, stop yourself and drink in the beauty around you, spring is here, renewal has begun again, and if you listen for a moment, you can hear the leaves stretching outwards.

I’m trying to live in those moments, those brief seconds of time stopped just for me. The visual, the aural, the sense that nature is spreading her wings and showing me something special in her own way.

Sometimes I miss it, too busy, too stressed… but I know that if I can only be conscious in my heart, the treasure is there. It’s all golden… I’ve just to look.