We’ll have to rethink taking up tater farming, because the reality is it’s hard work. Really hard work, no wonder they invented machines to plant potatoes… bending over for hours to plant potatoes and onions may work muscles you didn’t know existed. We are sharing the garden space at my Sister’s farm, it was always the spot that my Mom and Dad gardened in, but he is unable to get to it this year. So we are the chief planters, and waterer’s… hope that we didn’t take on more then we can handle, it’s a lot of work.
We got the taters in the ground, and watered.it’s been so long since I planted taters, or onions, [you don’t really have the room on a small patio] that I forgot how. So there we were reading the directions on the back of the bags… was that 6 inches deep, and 12 inches apart, or 12 inches deep, and 6 inches apart…
It took a few hours to plant, and water them.that was a lot of onions, almost 400 I think. Hope the other share croppers like onions, they will be eating a lot of them. We have a few beds marked off, there are more to do, it’s such a huge garden, and here my Dad keeps wishing for more space… I told him there is more then enough room for anything they could plan on planting… and someone has to water, right?
And then I go ahead and make plans for beans, peas, carrots, squash, pumpkins. And zucchini, if i can’t grow zucchini up here with all the heat, I won’t be able to grow it anywhere. It was always a bust for me down at the coast, and it is one of my most fav veggies… all the other gardeners had them coming fast, and mine just couldn’t grow.
Cucumbers, and basil, herbs, and tomatoes, hot peppers, and eggplants… yep, I’m in deep.