My Way of Living + Style

How [ not ] to start seeds.
2010 03 04 036

Spring is around the corner for many gardeners, and it is almost time to start seeds again. Some gardeners have the appropriate full spectrum lights, and garden benches available to them. And the key component, a spot to grow them in.
Those gardeners who live in smaller spaces, such as apartments, and condos, might appreciate some tongue in cheek, helpful tips on how to[not]start their seeds, in order to avoid the disasters that we encountered last year.
1. Don’t think that you will get a head start by seeding early, I mean really what was I thinking, two foot tall sunflower seedlings on a 4 inch wide window sill? In early March? They couldn’t go out until May, and that was only after the unusually heavy snowfall finally disappeared.
2. Yes the cat really does think that seed trays are meant to be his litter box. Basically anything that is on the floor, and has dirt in it is his domain.

2010 03 04 031

3. Beautifully pooled curtains are only lovely in a magazine, especially after your husband tries to close the drapes, and drags them through the seed trays you have placed beside the patio windows. Nothing sadder than poor little beheaded cosmos. And no, they don’t grow back again.
4. Make sure you get the waterproof seed trays, the carpet is still soggy after we watered the last time.
5. Take away all the cat toys, until you are ready to move the seed trays outside, somehow playing a round of “bat the ball” in the seed trays didn’t improve germination.
6. Plant misters make good deterrents to kitties who want to scratch the couch.

2010 03 04 029

7. Imagine that you have a green house, and acreage. Then go wild in the nearest nursery and pretend that you grew it all yourself. You will thank me, when you realize how much easier it is to buy, then to grow your own.

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How [ not ] to start seeds. + Style