My Way of Living + Light

Golden goodbyes…

It’s my last tree to show it’s tender new leaves in the spring, and the first to loose the old gold ones in the autumn. Despite the brief time it’s has foliage, the Gingko tree is one of the bright stars, even during it’s golden goodbye.
My baby started as a tiny six inch seedling, and now tops out at a impressive 7 feet tall, and is still growing. Growing through 5 different pots, each successively larger. Don’t tell my other trees but this one is a favourite of mine. Gardeners know this tree as a living fossil, with the Gingko tree’s unusual fan shaped leaves making a showy display in the fall. But it’s a short lived display, since once they start to turn a vivid shade of yellow, the golden goodbye is not far away. Suddenly, in not more then a day or two, the leaves will all fall off the branches, leaving a dark skeleton against the sunset. There will be nothing more then a quiet rustle of fading leaves, and a pile of foliage on the ground. The beautiful gingko tree bares everything for winter, and hopes for a quick return of spring. And as I watch through the window, the leaves tell of a cold season coming, but the thoughts of spring warm my heart.

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Golden goodbyes… + Light