My Way of Living + Visual

March’s lions, and lambs

March comes in like a lion, and

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goes out like a lamb. But during this unpredictable month, we can have frost, snow, sleet, sun, rain and hail. Almost anything Mother Nature can come up with will be thrown at us. I kind of like it, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a hour, it will change guaranteed. But it’s March’s lions and lambs that sometimes give me the greatest pleasure, and frustration.

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March’s Lions: The early morning breaking dawn when Phil the pheasant proclaims his territory setting off a cacophony of carolling from various birds in a vain attempt to drown him out.

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The sound he makes echo's through the trees, it’s not a nice quiet morning has broken sound, but a call to arms. That sets off the rivalling crows, and ravens, competing for territory in our front yard. First of spring, they start, “it’s mine, no it’s mine, it’s mine, not yours.” The treasure they are all fighting over, prime real estate in the giant towering fir trees. Right in front of our bedroom. Thanks guys… and they stop after we get up.

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Just before we are fully awake, and wondering if we could doze for a few more minutes, the neighbour starts up his diesel truck, leaving it running for a hour, only to turn it off each time. Go figure?

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March’s lambs Undoubtedly the nicest part of March is the return of the songbirds… there is a lilt to their trilling, it’s so beautiful and when we can hear it in between the crows, and Phil, it’s lovely. I was rather surprised last year to realize that they only sing during the mating season… it was beautiful background music, and during the summer I realized that our soft and charming wake up calls had disappeared. That makes what we hear right now, even more precious.


For those of you who mentioned wanting to see a photo of Phil, the pheasant, this is the best one I have so far. Sorry it’s no any better but it’s really far away, and through the window.

Boot, running, and more:

March’s lions, and lambs + Visual