My Way of Living + Light

Word Verification, I’m sorry… but it’s so not working for me

When I was trying to leave a comment on a few blogs yesterday I noticed a problem, the word verification has been stepped up. Seems like Blogger has pulled a nasty trick on all of us “over 40’s” who’s eyesight isn’t as it used to be. It’s word verification gone to the max. It was hard before to figure out what those scrambled, jumbled blurry characters on the screen meant, and now it’s impossible for me to figure them out at all. I’ve tried, many times, there were some blogs that I valiantly tried over 4 times to leave a comment on. But if it involves calling over my husband to puzzle over each one with me every time I would like to leave a comment, something isn’t working for me. I can’t do this, I am unable to understand the characters, and I am finding it a strain. I read a lot of blogs, and I love all of you, and I want you to know that I will continue to read your blogs, but I just can’t leave a comment on your blogs if you use word verification. I get a lot of spam, some days it’s a LOT of spam, I think one bad day it was 70 comments in my spam box. But you know, in all the years that I have been blogging, only twice has spam made it through the filters to actually be on the posts. And I just went to the post and deleted the comment, it wasn’t the end of the world. I use Gmail, and I use Blogger, and they both do a great job of filtering out the bad guys. You might have noticed the button on the sidebar of my blog that reads “word verification free blog” it’s more important to me now then ever. If you would like to join the movement and have the button on your blog, please visit Beatrice Banks. The button code is on the bottom of the post, and she says it much better then I do. So if you have word verification set on your blog, and you don’t see comments from me, I apologize, but now you know why.

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Word Verification, I’m sorry… but it’s so not working for me + Light