My Way of Living + Style

Pea planting time?
2010 02 14 010

We went for a walk yesterday on a rare, sunny Sunday, usually if it is the weekend it rains. Well, this is known as the wet coast. The camera accompanied us, and we definitely saw some sights. The first Camellia bloom, beautiful coral pink. Brilliant yellow forsythia, [ it’s time to prune the roses now that they are blooming ]. Tiny, darling little Iris reticulata, so purple against the dark wet soil. And even the regal golden daffodils were nodding in the sun, readying themselves to open up.

2010 02 14 031

All this early blooming makes me wonder if I should get out there and plant my sugar snap peas. The sweet pea seeds that were left behind in the planters have sprouted about a week ago, and they love the cool weather also. Pushing their way up through the extra soil I have put overtop of them, and determinedly showing green. I have the distinct feeling that this is not a false spring, since we had only a small smidgen of snow in December, and nothing since. Last winter we were hoping that the enormous snowfall signified a early spring, but it was a exceedingly late one. Several false starts fooling us gardeners into believing that winter had finished it’s devastation and moved on.

2010 02 14 045

Hard to know, and what do you think, we are practically breaking temperature records. Should I plant those peas? Or should I wait, and not take the chance?

Garden, Inspiration, and more:

Pea planting time? + Style