My Way of Living + Story

An absence of snow make the heart grow fonder
Snow daze — PInto horse in field

It’s definitely winter around here.
And I thought I had made my peace with it.
Really, truly, thought it was fine.
And then the January blues came by like a heard of wild buffalo dusting up a storm.
I know that into every life a little winter blues might fall.
I suppose it’s bound to happen, the euphoria of the Christmas season had ended.
Valentines Day isn’t quite close enough to get excited about.
Most of us are deep in the icy grip of the chilly winter zone.

Snow daze — horse in field

But it was the trip to the BIG CITY the other day that triggered this one.
And suddenly it hit me.
Spring probably isn’t just around the corner here.
Our trip to the BIG CITY is a bit more then a hour’s drive… and it’s a whole new world out there. It’s not just bigger stores, and more people.
It’s going from our place where the snow is measured in number of feet, and the icicles hang so low on the vehicles that they break off on the speed bumps, to a clearly barren grey, snowless land is a bit of a shock.
You mean, the frozen north, isn’t frozen all over? It’s not all gently rolling drifts, and piles of dirty snow soon to be covered once again with marshmallow fluff?
Where were the icy puddles, dirty windshields, and frosty mitt covered hands?
Are those, could those be, sidewalks, we only see those in the summer.
And this is only a hour away?
We’re not in Kansas anymore Bootsie.

Big city snowmen

Apparently they live like this most of the winter… it’s like being on the coast all over again, just a tiny bit colder. Now I can see why it’s such a BIG CITY, everyone wants to live there.
Except for us of course.
I had no idea… and most of the time we live in a snow and ice covered world, white fields, and frosted mountains, it’s life, this is the snowy Okanagan after all.

Snow daze fence in winter

Life is full of surprises isn’t it?
I mean, we knew that the al most big city, which is around 20 minutes away gets less snow then we do…
Our little town below gets less snow then we do up here on the mountainside… that’s life, we don’t mind, it goes away.oh around March. And when it gets too much we go to the almost big city where there is so little they probably don’t have snow removal people working full time. But that the BIG CITY has no snow, we just couldn’t get over it.
Hmmm, so maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder… open spaces, white fields, lots of snow, birds and deer in the back yard, when I’m in the BIG CITY, I miss that.
I’ll take mine with snow please.

Dream, Seasons, and more:

An absence of snow make the heart grow fonder + Story