My Way of Living + Words

Pinterest Picks–White Christmas clay ornaments
 MBD White clay ornaments

First, I have to say
this is my favourite
Pinterest Pick so far
and I was pretty
happy with the
lemon cookies, and
the lemon
vanilla, house scent
so you know that
these really make my
heart sing.
Starry night, bright lights, Christmas is coming.

1-Christmas clay ornaments

Y ou have got to try making some yourself, Christmas is the perfect time to try a new craft.
I can see these clay ornaments as tags attached to gifts, hanging off a ribbon in a window, on wreaths, and of course on a tree.
It’s a starry night, and the ideas are flowing here.

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I love the star garland that I made, and plan on hanging that across our fireplace mantel. As you might have guessed, turquoise is a fav color of mine, so that’s why the ribbon is turquoise. Add in some bright sparkly lights, some greenery, and it’s magical.

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They were very easy to make, roll and cut. I used my dehydrator to dry them, it only took a few hours, and they didn’t curl or go brown. The blogger talks about using a low oven temperature to dry hers in, and it worked fine.

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I used a Christmas themed rubber stamp dusted with cornstarch to gently press into the dough before I cut the shape, that worked the best. I have plans for making a garland of hearts for Valentines day, maybe something for birthdays, cut out letters… pumpkins for October… endless starry nights.
You can find the original blog post from Woodside Kitchen here.
So here I am steadily working on my new website, hoping to remember from day to day what I learned in the “it should be simple to drag and drop” program, and dreaming up Christmas craft ideas so fast it seems my head is spinning.
I have lots to share with you in the coming weeks, and am looking forward to seeing what you have on your blogs.

Blog, HAPPY, Life, and more:

Pinterest Picks–White Christmas clay ornaments + Words