My Way of Living + Visual

The early bird gets…
MBD Early morning fields gate

Remember how they always said that the early bird gets the worm. Well it might be true, but who among us wants to catch a worm, unless we are birds.
Worms… yuck, they belong in the garden.
So it’s rather disappointing to find out that being early doesn’t always have great rewards.
What? Shock and disbelief is written all over your face isn’t it. It was on mine…

MBD Early morning fields hills

I got out there too early yesterday, and there was no early bird reward of beautiful sunlit mountains peeking through soft downy clouds, and scattered rays of light on amber fields. Just mediocre washed out, wet trees, and lots of leaves already fallen.

MBD Early morning fields 1

My life… exciting isn’t it? I left my nice warm bed in the early morning, after being woken up at the unearthly hour of 5 am, by both my husband, and the Boo. One went running outside, and the other went running into the kitchen to see if there just happened to be a dish of cat food. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whom did what.
Hint, the furry one ate the cat food, oh right that might not help much… the husband went running outside, just don’t tell him that I called him the furry one.

MBD Early morning fields sunlight

So I took my camera outside for a walk… but it was still dark, when did this start to happen? Pretty soon the white stuff will start to fall, and then before you know it’s going to be Christmas… and everything will be white, and cold, and the worms will be hiding underground… and spring will be only 4 months away. Ack!
It all started because I got out of bed too early, what have I done?
This is one early bird, who’s not going after that worm.

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The early bird gets… + Visual