My Way of Living + Words

50 shades of grey… oh just pick one
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Yes, we’ve already discussed this, I know it’s just paint, and it can be changed. But if you are like me once I paint a room that’s it for ages, I don’t have the energy to change it up for a good long while. I don’t want to do it again, and again. I can make a decision just watch me. OK maybe another day. So here I sit, looking at what feels like 50 shades of greys and beiges hoping that one will jump out and well, bite me. Start dancing up and down, and telling me “congrats” you’ve picked one, “this is it, it’s me.” Well you know something like that.

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But nothing much is happening right now, those silly paint chips just lay there like bumps on a log, doing nothing more then looking like paint chips. What did I expect?

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See above, dancing, speaking, and calling attention to themselves. I know, 50 shades of indecision is getting me no where, and fast.

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So after more thought, then more decisions, we decided on, drumroll please… the very first color we had picked out, sea salt. Then we set off to the paint store, chip in hand, decision made, what a great feeling, we were going for it, we were in charge.

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And guess what, the paint tint machine is broken, and they can’t tint anything. 50 shades of indecision, and now I am back to square one. Choosing…

Life, and more:

50 shades of grey… oh just pick one + Words