My Way of Living + Story

That little boat on a great big ocean

Watching your parents age is a like setting off for a long journey in a small boat, it’s a large ocean, and the horizon is not visible most of the time. You can worry, and prepare your vessel for as many situations as possible, but the journey will be nothing like you imagined.


There will be unexpected phone calls, and situations that require you to step up, and learn to parent those who once taught you to walk.
The role reversal is one of the hardest steps we have to take, and it makes my heart ache.
I’m sure it does for you too.
We are dealing with a family emergency, and I’ve spent much of yesterday at the hospital with my Mom, as we worry about my Dad. It’s hard, it’s heartbreaking, and I am still holding out hope that this sudden change is only temporary.
Part of me wants to write to explain, to explore what and how we are going through this, that’s how I deal with it… but I also want to respect their privacy.
My part in this journey is to be the support system. I’ve been at the hospital more times since we moved up here, then all of the times combined in my life before.
But now, instead of being hours away, I’m only minutes, and there is no price to be put on that.
The complex that they live in has opened it’s arms, and gathered them in, the support I saw yesterday was heart warming. Prayers, concern, offers of help, it’s heart warming how wonderful people can be.

Ocean and kayaks

Aging sucks.
But imagine the alternative.
And that’s what keeps me optimistic.
Each day that we wake up alive is a good day, a great day.
Clouds will gather, the rain will come down.
But there will always be sunlight after a storm.

Dream, family, Home, HOPE, Rural, and more:

That little boat on a great big ocean + Story