My Way of Living + Time

4-Tulips texture 2012

Ever have those harder then usual days, the ones where you hold your hope in the hand that pulls back the blind, wishing to see sunshine, and instead see only gloom, and grey skies? Waiting for glimmers of a brighter day? Yeh, me either… lol, and then the bills come in the mail. What a day.

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Glimmers are what makes life bearable, wonderful, they shine in our eyes when the sun won’t do it. Glimmers are the ice cream cone on a hot day, treats that taste like they have no calories, the shade when you are burning up from the sun. Glimmers are the cat rubbing against your leg during a walk through the neighbourhood, and a dog that wags it’s tail instead of barking at you as you walk by. The friendly hello from a stranger whom you thought looked angry, and a flash of bird’s wings through a flowering shrub.

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They are unexpected moments, glimmers of a better day, and it’s just waiting to peek out of those gloomy skies. Glimmers are in the moment during watering your garden you realize that the sound you hear is not a lawnmower, but the chirping of baby birds in the tree. Glimmers make us smile, glimmers brighten our days… Have you encountered any glimmers yet today?

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Day, HOPE, and more:

Glimmers + Time