My Way of Living + Time

How to make friends… 101
1-camera phone 2012-305

Oh, my Mom, I love her dearly, sometimes more then other times… if you knew my Mom… You know how they always say you must love family unconditionally, [well that’s what my parents have always told] Now I know why. She is getting older, and her filters are getting a little clogged, at first I thought it was just my family, but reading the comments from the other days post “she said what?” I am finally beginning to realize that I am not alone. Please let me digress for a moment, you have got to read this comment left by Darla on that post… ”Well my sister in law said to her Grandmother that she felt fat and ugly. Her Grandmother's reply was, you aren't fat.” Oh what a zinger… oh how bad…

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We took my parents to a Dr.s appointment in the almost big city the other day, and they took us out for lunch. We were sitting in a crowed restaurant and my Mom kept peering over her shoulder at a couple of women with children running around, sitting next to us. This is not new behaviour for her, we have learned to pretend it doesn’t happen, and after all how low can you cringe in a fast food restaurant seat? My Mom tends to say things in a less then quiet voice, and if you mention that she can be overheard, she will say something charming like “what, they can’t hear me.” And I see I am not alone, quite a few other readers have the same parental issues.

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Then out of the blue, my Mom leans over to the woman at the next table, and tells her that she knows her, and has seen her around lately. Then my Mom turns to me and says “she lives in the same mountain side subdivision that you do.” Awkward silence while the stranger and I eye each other up. “um hi?” “ah… hi.” “So you live in the mountainside subdivision?” “Um, yes, we just moved there.” The stranger says “we live on whatchamacall it street.” Me, “oh… we live one street over.” Where is the lightning bolt to strike you down when you need it… I feel like I am 6 years old again and being introduced to someone I am to shy to say hello to, and my Mom is behind me pushing me forward. The conversation draws to a even more awkward close, while the stranger and I pretend that our hamburgers are the most interesting thing we have seen in a decade.

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Her job done, my Mom tucks into her fries with gusto. Then she turns to me and says, “See! That’s how you make friends.”

Day, family, food, RUN, running, and more:

How to make friends… 101 + Time